Harmony DiscussForum Categories

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Category Name Description Creation Date Number of Threads Number of Posts Number of Compositions
Chord Progression Analysis Discussions about chord progressions, as found in any style of music (classical, jazz, pop, folk, etc...) 9 November 2008 17:23 1 1 1
Melodic Patterns Experiment with melodic patterns. 22 September 2008 1:04 2 6 5
Test Category this is a Test Category 2 October 2008 15:04 19 156 89
Harmonic Patterns A repository of useful harmonic patterns 11 November 2008 15:59 2 4 3
Transcriptions Add your transcriptions of harmonic progressions, jazz improvisations, passages of classical music, etc. 21 September 2008 14:32 2 5 4
The Blues Blues melodies, harmonies, variations, styles, arrangements, lyrics, and more... 4 January 2009 5:24 0 0 0
Jazz Harmonizations Interesting revamps of standard harmonies 21 September 2008 14:43 0 0 0
Arrangements Come up with ideas for arranging popular songs and tunes 4 October 2008 16:23 1 4 2
What\'s That Tune? Can\'t think of the name? Post it here and wait for a response... 22 September 2008 22:25 0 0 0
Test with question mark? Does this work? 31 May 2009 20:15 1 6 4
Gospel & Hymns A place to explore the reworking of traditional hymns 21 September 2008 14:39 0 0 0
Composers Discuss the compositions, compositional techniques and artistry of different composers. 2 December 2009 18:17 1 1 0
J.S.Bach Discuss and analyze Bach\'s works 22 September 2008 10:57 1 2 1
Bebop Dictionary Add your bebop line to a fixed harmonic progression. 21 September 2008 14:46 1 1 1
National Anthems The world\'s National Anthems, and possible variations. 24 September 2008 22:37 0 0 0
Music Theory Add and discuss music theory concepts 2 November 2008 4:38 1 1 1
Linux Category Tests on Linux 26 July 2009 5:41 1 3 2
Workshops Transcribe, discuss and extend what you have learned in a music workshop. 22 September 2008 1:13 0 0 0

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